MILF Punishment


MILF Punished by Ritu and Ragini

Hello, friends. My warm greetings to the listeners of

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Mitu knew it was a bad idea to be doing this, but it was too late to say no now. Besides, all of her friends were going, and she didn’t intend to be the one sensible person in the group. She felt like a teenager again, despite being in her forties. She tried on a few outfits, after finally settling on a floral pattern sundress that complimented her great physique. It was a warm summer night, and she never got to wear that dress, despite how good it looked on her. On the one hand, Mitu was glad to go out and see her friends, that kind of stuff seemed to happen less and less as time went on. Most of them were married and with children, so the fact that the stars had aligned tonight, and everyone had time, was a miracle. On the other hand, she had to go to work the next day. In college, she wouldn’t have even thought twice about it, but things were different now. Not only did she have an actual job, with real responsibilities and consequences, but she was also older. Her body couldn’t handle alcohol like it once did and the hangovers were almost debilitating.

She knew it wasn’t a good idea, but it was also pretty clear to her that she was going. Mitu was always the funniest person in the group, she wasn’t going to start maturing now.

Once she was all dressed up, she texted her friends. Back in college, they were always late, for everything, but now things were different. Everyone was dressed and ready and when they agreed to meet at 10, that meant that they were going to be there on time. Mitu ordered a taxi and had a glass of wine while waiting. She didn’t get drunk anymore, but she still drank wine or the odd cocktail. She’d learned to enjoy booze, not just consume it quickly in copious amounts in the hopes to get drunk, but not blackout drunk. It was fun thinking back about her time in college, being young and poor, sleeping around and partying all night, then going to classes in the morning. She didn’t learn much but still managed to pass all of her classes, if only work was that easy. The thought about how shitty tomorrow was going to have lingered in her mind as she finished her wine and got in the cab. All of the responsibilities of being an adult boggled her mind, but Mitu wasn’t going to let her job ruin her night. She was going to get drunk, drunk enough to forget about her worries, but not so much that she wasn’t going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow. She knew it was a tough thing to achieve, like walking on a tightrope between too drunk and too worried, but Mitu had confidence in herself, she was experienced.


“Hey girls!” – she almost screamed after walking into the bar.

“Hey, we already started drinking, here, I ordered you a Cosmo, just to start.”

– one of her friends handed her a glass.

“Are we going hard tonight? Because I have work tomorrow.” – Mitu said and took a sip.

“Yeah, we all have the stuff to do. I have two kids I need to send to school in the morning, but you don’t hear me complaining.” – another friend said.


“Yeah, what’s up with Mitu making excuses. If anything, I expected you to be the one leading the charge.” – yet another woman said.

“I didn’t say I’m not drinking, I just have the stuff to do, that’s all. I’m not blacking out, that’s all.” – Mitu defended herself.

“What’s up with you anyway, besides work, I guess.”

“Not much. Still the same job, still single. All that is changing is that I’m getting older.” – Mitu said.

“Oh, c’mon, you look great. And relationships are overrated, trust me. Aren’t there any new women in your life, what happened to Sarah?”

“Yeah, it’s a long story. We don’t see each other anymore and she moved, so there’s that.” – Mitu answered.

It was fun catching up with the girls, but it was also a little saddening. Most of the girls were married, in long-term relationships, and had kids. Not all of them had good jobs, some were stay-at-home moms, but they were all better off when it came to dating. Mitu was the only lesbian in the group of friends, and that kind of explained it, but it didn’t make her feel any better. It was harder for her to meet partners and a kid was out of the question, despite the excuses, Mitu still felt like her life was incomplete, compared to her friends. They did grow-up stuff. Family vacations, double dates, children’s birthday parties. There was a whole slew of social events she was missing out on, just for being single, and that even considering the sex. It had been a while since she had gotten laid, and that was a shame. It had to change, but it wasn’t going to change tonight.

“Girls, I hate to be the responsible one, but shouldn’t we go home, we all have the stuff to do in the morning.” – Mitu asked.

“Oh, come on! What time is it?” – her friend checked her watch. – “Ok, it’s two am, maybe we should head home.”

“But let’s finish the last round.” – another friend added.

“Yeah, of course. We’re not leaving until all of the drinks are finished.” – a third woman chimed in.

In the end, Mitu got home by two-thirty and was in bed by three. She certainly did not intend on going this hard that evening, but her friends left her no choice. It was a great night, that brought back a lot of memories from the good old days, but it was also insanely irresponsible of them. Tomorrow was going to be a rough day at work, Mitu already knew. But she didn’t intend to go sleep right away, first, she wanted to masturbate.

It was a great way to stay awake a bit longer, it always helped her with the hangovers. Usually, Mitu only masturbated in the shower, it just made it much simpler, but today she was too drunk to get out of bed. Instead, she reached into her cupboard and took out her tiny vibrator. It was a small toy, but it got the job done. She liked to start by turning the vibrator on a lower setting and then stimulating her nipples. There was a slight, buzzing sound, but she lived alone, so that didn’t matter. She put the egg-shaped sex toy on her breast and teased both her nipple, while her other hand, gently caressed her inner tights. After a while, she switched it up. The egg began teasing her inner tights, while she used her free hand to massage and pinch her breasts and nipples. She had a sexy and curvy body, and she was very proud of that.

Being touched, even by herself was an aphrodisiac. When she was sufficiently wet, Mitu turned the power of the vibrator to the max, moved her panties slightly to the side, and inserted it into herself. Now that the toy was inside of her, she could feel the strong vibrations, against her warm and soft vaginal wall. Mitu enjoyed playing with her clit, rubbing it, and fantasizing.

She thought about different things on a different days. Sometimes it was about a sexy girl that she wanted to fuck. Some celebrity or friend. She liked to see herself getting fucked hard, being punished, and told what to do. Other times, she just got into it, enjoying the act of masturbation itself. There was something very kinky and sexy about being in your bed, masturbating with a vibrator inside your pussy, pleasuring yourself. She started getting more and more aroused, letting out the odd moan and breathing heavily. After a few minutes, the orgasm arrived. Mitu could hardly stop her leg from twitching and often let out a moan that was perhaps too loud. After finishing herself off, the girl took out the egg. She needed a few seconds to wind down, before being able to fall asleep.

There was something nostalgic about being in her bed, drunk and masturbating. That used to be her reality, almost daily back in college. She got laid back then, but only one-night stands, which seemed to carry over to her adult life as well. Currently, in the last couple of months, it was the only sexual experience she got. It had been a long and dry period of doing nothing but working and not getting laid. Mitu needed to get fucked, badly.


There are a few things in life that are worse than waking up hungover, but Mitu couldn’t think of any of them. Her head seemed to be expanding and contracting, her eyes were over-sensitive to the light and she felt on the brink of puking. That was the ugly reality of getting wasted in your forties and being forced to go to work the next day. In college, she would have powered through, or in some very bad cases, simply went back to sleep. But this was the grown-up world and she had to pay for the few hours of fun she had had the previous night. She drank a couple of glasses of water, which helped, and made her way to the bathroom. A lukewarm shower helped her regain her senses. Mitu’s head wasn’t going to explode and she, most likely, wasn’t going to puke. All that she had to do was bath quickly and eat something. She had learned from college that carbs and fats help tremendously with hangovers. That meant that the perfect cure for a bad one was a good-old bacon sandwich. The bread would absorb the alcohol and the fat break it down, or at least that is what she imagined it like. The actual science was probably different, but the trick worked. It didn’t fit Mitu’sdiettoo well, but sometimes it is worth breaking the rules. After a morning coffee, water, a shower, and a sandwich, she felt somewhat decent. As long as it was a boring and uneventful day at the office, she was going to be fine.

“Mitu, come to my office.” – her manager told her, as soon as she arrived at the office. That never meant something good, almost certainly she was going to get more work thrown at her.

“Yes, sure thing.” – Mitu tried to sound overly optimistic and energetic, to hide the hangover.

“Good news, we have a trainee from the Dallas office, and I chose you to show her around.” – the manager pointed to a pretty, petite girl that was dressed in grey slacks and a blue button-down shirt. She looked young, somewhere in her twenties. – “It is just an exchange thing the company is doing, you know, one of those corporate ideas. Anyway, just show her around the office and show her what you do daily for two days, after that she is moving to a different department.”

“Hey, I’m Ragini.” – the young girl got up and shook Mitu’s head.

“Mitu, nice to meet you.” – she did not feel like doing this one bit. – “So, I just show you around and then work, like normal?”

“Yeah, that’s all.” – the manager answered.

She couldn’t believe it. From all of the offices in the country, all of the departments, and all of the workers, she was the one chosen. And on the one day, she was hungover in the past 6 years. The odds for such a colossally bad day at work were unimaginable. If she saw that in a sitcom, it would have seemed far-fetched, and yet it happened. She was in the office break room, with some girl she had never seen before, drinking the second coffee for today, regretting all of her life decisions leading up to that moment. There was nothing in the world Mitu would have liked less than to have to chaperone some teenage girl, especially while her head was killing her. Not to seem rude, or hungover, she began talking to her.

“So, Ragini, you’re a young girl, what do you do for the company exactly?” “I work in the Dallas office for two months now. I guess they wanted us to see how it’s done in other places, get some experience, and whatnot. Kind of like an internship, I guess.” – she was sexy, but Mitu couldn’t focus on that.

“Yeah, interesting, interesting. Is this your first time here? In Chicago?”

“No, I have some friends here, from college. So, I’m going to catch up with them, on top of the work.”

“Oh, cool. How old are you actually?” – Mitu asked. “I’m 23.” – Ragini answered.

“Jesus! That’s young. I remember back when I was your age, I used to have a lot of fun. You shouldn’t be in this boring office, you need to go out and have some fun.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m going out with my friends tonight, I want to see what the nightlife is like here.”

“Oh, you’ll love it.” – Mitu hesitated for a second. – “Honestly, I am a bit hungover myself. It’s hard combining drinking with work, but you’re young, you can manage.”

“Wow, cool. You know, if you want you can join us. You seem like a cool woman, a co-worker. We have to be together the whole day, we might as well get to know each other.” – Ragini suggested.

Mitu knew that this was a bad idea. She was already feeling horrible and another night of heavy drinking would have killed her. All that she wanted to do was to curl up in bed, cover herself and try to sleep, until the pain goes away. Going for a night out, with a bunch of college girls she didn’t know, sounded like torture. At 23, they were probably going to drink shots and dance all night. There was no way she would have handled that, even if she wasn’t hungover. Besides, she didn’t want to make things with Ragini awkward at work, and she did not want her co-workers, or boss to know that she had gone out on a weekday. The whole plan sounded horrible and misguided, something only a twenty-something girl could come up with.“Yeah sure, I can come.” – Mitu answered, knowing she didn’t have it in her to refuse a good night out.


As the day went on, the hangover began getting better and better and by the time work was over, Mitu felt almost alright. She was still tired and in desperate need of a solid meal and a nap, but the headache was gone, and she was completely certain she wasn’t going to puke. It was tough being at work, feeling bad, and having to show Ragini around. Tomorrow was only going to be worse, but there was no backing up now. Mitu didn’t know what got into her when she agreed. She figured she was still drunk from the night before, or something similar because it was very clearly a bad idea. Two nights of drinking on a roll, weeknights nevertheless, she hadn’t done that since college. It was painful, but it was also the most exciting thing Mitu had done in a while. In her bleak, grey, and repetitive life, the chance to go out drinking with some college girls seemed like a flash of her youth. She had something to look forward to and as painful as the hangover was, it was also like a badge of honor that read “I had fun last night”. None of her co-workers were doing anything fun and neither was she if it wasn’t for the drinking with Ragini. Most nights she just got home and watched TV until it was time to go to bed. The most exciting thing she usually did was to go out for dinner with a friend, but even that was becoming a rare occurrence. Mitu put on her sexy, short black dress and got in a cab.

“Hey, how are you?” – the MILF greeted the pretty girl Ragini. She was with a couple of other young girls, standing in front of some bar.

“Great, glad you could make it. Those are my friends.” – the 23-year-old pointed at the college girls, who looked equally great. – “Monica and Lisa, this is Mitu, from work.”

They all gave each other a hug and a kiss, after which it was time to go to the bar. The college girls had chosen a student bar, which shouldn’t have surprised Mitu, but it did. She hadn’t been to a place like that in decades and didn’t feel like returning. It was dirty, crowded and so loud, you couldn’t talk. But it was also cheap, which is what the college girls were after. Being penniless was one of the aspects of youth that she didn’t miss at all.

“Do you girls come here often?” – she asked them.

“Well, yeah. We come here on Thursdays, they have shots for two dollars, so it’s the place to be.” – Lisa answered. – “What about you Mitu, where do you usually go out?”

“I honestly don’t go out drinking that often. But when I do, it is usually downtown.”

“Yeah, but downtown is so expensive.” – Lisa said.

“I know, but I’m older than you girls, I have some money to spare.” – Mitu answered.

“Oh, c’mon, you’re not that old.” – Ragini chimed in. – “I mean, you are here with us now, that’s pretty cool. I doubt too many people in the office would have done that. At the end of the day, age is just a number, it all depends on how you act. I honestly don’t see you as any older than us.” – Ragini said with a coy smile.

“Well, thanks, that’s nice to hear. So, should we start the night?” – Mitu said.

The college girls and the older and supposedly more mature woman began the party. If there was any awkwardness initially, it was now gone. Mitu was cool, and the others saw that quickly. She wasn’t their mom and they could talk to her about all kinds of things, without having to worry. They talked about school, about what it was like to go to work, and of course, about sex. It was fun hearing what the young girls were up to these days, but it was even better sharing the cool stories Mitu had been through herself. Things were different now; the current generation didn’t seem to be as wild as they once were. Sure, they drank and went out, had sex, but there was a lot less experimentation going on. Mitu got the feeling that none of them had been with a woman, their reactions when she mentioned that were surprising.

“Wait, so you are into chicks?” – Lisa asked.

“Yeah, I figured that one out in college, that’s why I’m surprised that you girls don’t fool around more. I mean, I always have this impression of younger people as being super open and liberated, but from what I hear, it was crazier back then.” – Mitu said.

“I don’t know about that.” – Ragini chimed in.

“I think it is different, you know, with phones and cameras and all of that stuff. It’s just a different world we live in. But we’re far from boring, I can tell you that.” – Monica said.

“Hey, I’m not saying you are boring, but I am saying that we should have another drink.”

Something was charming about the cheap and tacky college bars. The shots were almost free, and the vibe was great. Everybody was young and energetic with nothing on their mind. They were in those great years in a person’s life when they don’t have any responsibilities but are still old enough to do their own thing. Of course, that never went away, if you didn’t let it. Mitu was in her forties and she was there, hanging out with the younger girls. Not only was she there, but she seemed to be handling the parting better. Lisa and Monica were already slurring their words, while the mature woman was barely tipsy. Ragini was also fairing well, but she wasn’t drinking as much as the rest.

“Girls, I hate to be that person, but I think we need to go home.” – Lisa said. “No, really?” – Mitu said.

“Yeah, it’s getting late and I have some stuff to do tomorrow and don’t you

two have work tomorrow?” – Mitu and Ragini looked at each other, after which they checked the time. It was already 2 am, not the worst thing in the world, but late.

“Yeah, I think she is right, we should go.” – Ragini said. – “Should we get two cabs? You two live together and I and Mitu can share.”

“Sure thing, I’m calling them right now.”


“So, do you live somewhere in this area?” – Mitu asked, once they were alone in the cab.

“I was thinking it would be smart if I slept over at your place, to save some time. We can go to work together, tomorrow.” – Ragini suggested, unashamedly.

“Uhm, yeah, sure. I guess I can lend you some clothes.”

Mitu was surprised and unsure of what was happening. The young chick from her office wanted to go to her place and said something. If it was anyone else, she would have thought that Ragini wanted to fuck, but that seemed a little far-fetched. She was a young and pretty girl, only 23, while Mitu was in her forties. She could have been her mother if she got pregnant in high school, but never the less the difference was huge. They also worked together, which would make things very awkward, and Ragini hadn’t even hinted at wanting to fuck the whole evening, or did she? Mitu began playing the evenings events in her head, and the more she thought about it, the more certain she became that the young, petite girl was flirting with her. Only time would tell and there was no chance in her she would make the first move herself. The potential awkwardness if she tried something would have been too much to bear.

“Yeah, it’s here.” – Mitu told the cab driver. She paid and the two of them walked into the house.

“Wow, I like your place. I guess I might afford a place like that someday.”

“Yeah, if you stick to our company, sure. So, Uhm, I guess I’ll make the couch for you. I don’t have a spare room, it’s not that good of a house.” – Mitu said.

“Oh, don’t be shy, we can sleep in the same bed, right? I won’t mind if you don’t.”

At this point it was pretty clear that Ragini wanted to fuck, why else would she want to sleep at her place and her bed. She was hot, and Mitu didn’t mind one bit, but she also did not intend on initiating anything. The truth was, despite her wild days, she was still awkward when it came to dating. She needed to be seduced, the other girl had to do all of the work. Mitu was passive like that.

“Yeah, absolutely, I don’t mind, if you don’t. It’s just this way.” “Alright, I guess we can get started.” – Ragini said.


“Oh, come on! We are going to fuck Mitu, we both know it. Don’t act so surprised, it’s the whole reason I came over here, so how about we get naked?”

Her voice was assertive and dominant, and the older woman obeyed. Mitu slowly began undressing. She took her time, teasing her younger co-worker a little. Once she was only in her underwear, she looked at the 23-year-old once again. The look in Ragini’s told her all she needed to know, the fortysomething-year-old tossed her panties and bra on the floor. It had been a while since she had done this kind of stuff. Once she was naked, Ragini walked over to the MILF and pushed her back, making her fall on the bed. Mitu found herself laying there, completely naked. It was clear that the younger girl was taking control of the situation, which was great news. Ragini got on her knees and spread the mature woman’s legs apart. It was not what Mitu expected to do tonight, but she was happy to it was happening.

Now the 23-year-old was face to face with the tight young pussy of her older, more mature co-worker. She wanted to tease her naughty MILF a little, before fucking her hard. First, a little kiss and a lick on the inner tight, made Mitu groan. Then, gently she slid her middle finger, along the slit. After doing this a couple of times, she substituted her finger for her tongue. Ragini could taste Mitu’s juices, a familiar and arousing taste. She loved doing it with an older woman, fucking them as they have never been fucked before. Girls her age didn’t know what they were doing, they didn’t have the necessary experience and confidence in bed. She was a kinky and horny girl, and in the

bedroom, she enjoyed precisely that kind of behavior. By the 4th stroke, the older woman was soaking wet, with saliva and Mitu’s juices.

Mitu had a pretty pussy, waxed and soft, and the 23- year-old wanted to devour it. It was warm, wet, and inviting, and the young, but experienced Ragini wasted no time and buried her head down there. She continued her long, slow strokes along the slit. Finally, she decided to settle on the clit and began teasing it. A lick on one side then the other. It was all about building her partner up, before allowing her to cum. The MILF was breathing heavily and moaning with pleasure. She hadn’t experienced another woman between her legs in months. Ragini then moved on to the clit itself. Licking it, slightly sucking on it, and even biting a little. While doing this, she inserted one finger inside Mitu. This caused Mitu, once again to moan loudly. The petite, young girl started fingering and licking, slowly building up the pace. Soon it was clear, by the hand on her head and the intensive moans, that the older co-worker was about to cum. Ragini kept up the same rhythm and could feel the orgasm coming in as Mitu’s vagina started contracting, her back arched and she moaned even more loudly. It was crazy how little she had fucked that year, there was only masturbating. It was no surprise that she came so quicklyfromRagini’s touches. The 23- year-old knew what she was doing and did not intend to stop. The soft touches of the younger girl’s lips on Mitu’swetandaroused pussy were something she would never forget. The feeling of another person down there, that just knows what they are doing, it is hard not to cum within minutes. If all of Mitu’s workdays ended that way, she would have been more than happy. But there was more. Ragini got up.

“Do you have any sex toys in here?” – She walked over to where Mitu pointed and took out a large dildo from the cupboard.

Ragini walked back over to her MILF, and with one swift and forceful move, turned her around. Now Mitu had her knees on the floor, while her body was bent over the bed. The 23- year-old gave her a couple of good, hard slaps on the butt, which left imprints on the older woman’s buttocks, and began fucking her with the dildo. The MILF had no say in the matter, she just went with it. After going dry for so long, she wasn’t going to complain about anything. The sex was more ruff than she expected, but she loved it. Ragini fucked Mitu hard and continued to spank her, during the sex. She also liked to pull her hair back and talk in the older co-worker’s ear.

“You, like getting fucked, don’t you? You dirty slut, when I am done with you, you won’t be even able to walk to the office tomorrow!” – the 23- year- old said with confidence.

Ragini had a lot of confidence, for such a petite body. The older woman could not believe the power and stamina of her co-worker. She just kept pushing the dildo in and out, in and out with the same ferocity and determination, she had at the start. It was truly amazing and soon rather than later, the MILFwas about to cum again. As if foreseeing that, Ragini began fucking her harder and also pulled her hair so strong, Mitu’s back arched backward. The mature woman began moaning wildly from the mix of pain and pleasure she was experiencing. Her orgasm was loud and just as satisfying as the first one.


As already established, waking up hungover sucks. The ear-piercing buzz of the alarm is even more painful and demotivating than usual. It is the worst thing in the world, starting your day, knowing it is going to suck no matter what. There is nothing you can do to fully negate the headache and nausea, it is constantly with you, inside your head. Doing it two days in a roll was torture, especially at forty. But Mitu didn’t care. She was glad she went out. Waking up next to a sexy, young chick, she had just fucked was something she had fantasized about on many lonely evenings. Waking up and feeling satisfied, all of your sexual energy depleted, it was out of this world, after months of drought. Of course, it didn’t numb the pain caused by the poisonous shots of tequila from the previous night. Work was still going to be a nightmare, but she knew, Mitu knew that she had her Mojo back, and that was all that mattered.

I will share with you another story named “Amateur Girl Lisa Fucked Hard”

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