Evening Sex


The photo evening and Sex

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My spouse and I have a very fulfilling sex life. But nevertheless everything is so routine, regular, daily simply. Neither of us dared to say that and yet we both felt it. Then, one evening, after regular sex again, we spoke about it and questioned whether we shouldn’t widen our sexual horizons. But how? After a long time back and forth we had the notion to bring in a third, odd individual.

While we were contemplating what it would be like in discussion, we felt horny again and drove it together again! But thereafter we started to worry whether something like this may damage a relationship more than it benefited. So it came to happen that we rejected this concept for now.

We decided to shoot photographs and film while we were having sex. That turned us on quite a bit and made our love life a bit more diversified again. But it soon showed out that it is quite difficult to videotape yourself during sex. Either you use a tripod and always have the same viewpoint, or you hold the camera in your hand and have a lot of fuzzy shots. So it wasn’t the color of the egg.

Again we thought and came to the decision that it would be much better if a photographer were there and photographed and / or videotaped us during sex.

Well, they were concerned again. Can things go well? We promised to try it at least once.


For a long time we were seeking for a decent photographer. We eventually came across an unusual fellow via an internet site. He was an Englishman called Johnny and evidently interested in us. We exchanged several texts and came to the decision that we should meet without obligation – simply to check out the chemistry. That’s how we got our first date together. We met in a cafe in the next major city and spoke about God and the world. My stranger quickly loved the stranger, only I was very uneasy. Should we really have sex in front of this odd man? I don’t know We nonetheless arranged an appointment for the next weekend at a nearby \shotel to at least try. We have decided that if even one of the three of us felt a negative sensation, we would stop anytime and immediately. Then we would just enjoy a lovely evening and no one should be terrible to the other that it did not work! All right – I thought. Under these conditions, I accepted it.

The next Saturday I was terribly worried. A horrible sensation in the pit of my stomach stayed with me all day. My hubby was somewhat absent, different than usual. Nevertheless, we also arranged the evening. My husband made his picture and video equipment clear and I spent half the day in the bathroom fiddling with my hair. I was really nervous!

Then the moment arrived. We got in the car and drove off. We didn’t speak a word to each other the entire journey. We were both really insecure. When we arrived at the hotel, Johnny was there waiting for us. He was standing at the hotel bar and initially offered us for a short drink. We spoke a little and eventually the tension faded. Then we headed to the room. It was not very spacious but had a wonderful, comfy bed and two pleasant seats. We explained the procedure again as Johnny proceeded to put up the equipment.

Then the moment arrived. Everything was discussed – everything was clarified – we simply had to start. My knees trembled! My hubby was just stupid and didn’t really know what to do. Then Johnny salvaged the situation by offering calming words that we should simply pretend he wasn’t there. We should gently strip and kiss. Then gently grow more intimate. As mentioned.


Somehow everything went better. Johnny’s voice had a soothing impact on both of us.

My hubby proceeded to undress me. First he pulled off my blouse and shortly thereafter my pants. I was standing in front of a strange man wearing only underwear and bra, who had already started the picture session. I didn’t feel well at all. My hubby unbuttoned my bra and started stroking my breasts. I typically enjoy this therapy, but today I simply didn’t feel like it. I was simply so tense! My spouse started kissing my buds and went out of his way to do it correctly. His kisses already got to my tummy. He carefully slid my panties down and I could already feel his tongue near my pussy. But immediately I had a very uneasy feeling. I pushed my husband away, pulled my underwear back up and covered my breasts with my arms crossed. I could not do it! It just does not work! I can’t let myself down while there’s a strange man in the room with us!

Johnny saw that I am not feeling well at all and offered we might attempt an old trick. He has done this before and largely it worked. OK – I said – what trick do you mean? Johnny took my hand gently and walked me to one of the chairs. Sit down – he stated in a calm voice – I’ll merely blindfold you now. So you may entirely hide the surroundings around you and revel in your sensations. I looked at my spouse – he nodded in agreement. All good – I thought – then we’ll try again. Johnny blindfolded me with a thick black fabric that he had folded a few times before. He knotted it securely around my head so it couldn’t slip. I was truly utterly blind! However, it worked. I got calmer by the minute. I found it slightly aggravating that Johnny also tied my hands to the armrests of the seats, but I didn’t dispute it any more. I heard Johnny get back on the gear and felt my husband approach me again. It started again with my breasts. He kissed her long and persistently. Then his kisses proceeded down again till they touched my pussy. He pulled down my panties and started licking me thoroughly. I grew more calm and started to enjoy. I felt my pussy becoming wetter and wetter. The first pleasure sigh escaped from my lips. My spouse truly tried very hard. At that moment I no longer thought of Johnny and his cameras. I grew more and more fascinated. I found it slightly aggravating that Johnny also tied my hands to the armrests of the seats, but I didn’t dispute it any more. I heard Johnny get back on the gear and felt my husband approach me again. It started again with my breasts. He kissed her long and persistently. Then his kisses proceeded down again till they touched my pussy. He pulled down my panties and started licking me thoroughly. I grew more calm and started to enjoy. I felt my pussy becoming wetter and wetter. The first pleasure sigh escaped from my lips. My spouse truly tried very hard. At that moment I no longer thought of Johnny and his cameras. I grew more and more fascinated. I found it slightly aggravating that Johnny also tied my hands to the armrests of the seats, but I didn’t dispute it any more. I heard Johnny get back on the gear and felt my husband approach me again. It started again with my breasts. He kissed her long and persistently. Then his kisses proceeded down again till they touched my pussy. He pulled down my panties and started licking me thoroughly. I grew more calm and started to enjoy. I felt my pussy becoming wetter and wetter. The first pleasure sigh escaped from my lips. My spouse truly tried very hard. At that moment I no longer thought of Johnny and his cameras. I grew more and more fascinated. but I didn’t question that any further. I heard Johnny get back on the gear and felt my husband approach me again. It started again with my breasts. He kissed her long and persistently. Then his kisses proceeded down again till they touched my pussy. He pulled down my panties and started licking me thoroughly. I grew more calm and started to enjoy. I felt my pussy becoming wetter and wetter. The first pleasure sigh escaped from my lips. My spouse truly tried very hard. At that moment I no longer thought of Johnny and his cameras. I grew more and more fascinated. but I didn’t question that any further. I heard Johnny get back on the gear and felt my husband approach me again. It started again with my breasts. He kissed her long and persistently. Then his kisses proceeded down again till they touched my pussy.


He pulled down my panties and started licking me thoroughly. I grew more calm and started to enjoy. I felt my pussy becoming wetter and wetter. The first pleasure sigh escaped from my lips. My spouse truly tried very hard. At that moment I no longer thought of Johnny and his cameras. I grew more and more fascinated. He kissed her long and persistently. Then his kisses proceeded down again till they touched my pussy. He pulled down my panties and started licking me thoroughly. I grew more calm and started to enjoy. I felt my pussy becoming wetter and wetter. The first pleasure sigh escaped from my lips. My spouse truly tried very hard. At that moment I no longer thought of Johnny and his cameras. I grew more and more fascinated. He kissed her long and persistently. Then his kisses proceeded down again till they touched my pussy.

He pulled down my panties and started licking me thoroughly. I grew more calm and started to enjoy. I felt my pussy becoming wetter and wetter. The first pleasure sigh escaped from my lips. My spouse put forth a lot of effort. I no longer thought about Johnny and his cameras at that point. Throughout the course of the semester, my interest grew. I no longer thought about Johnny and his cameras at that point. I grew more and more engaged in the subject matter. The notion of Johnny and his cameras had completely vanished from my mind at that time. Throughout the course of the semester, my interest grew.



My husband released his grip on me and began to undress. When he was done, it seemed like an eternity. I was also taken aback by the sheer volume of clothing he was donning. I could hear a lot of garments tumbling to the ground as I stood there. Then he reappeared. It was a deep, strong kiss that he sunk his tongue into. I was completely oblivious to the world around me as he massaged me. The camera’s click and the beep of the video camera were no longer audible to me. In the middle of the night my spouse came up and stroked the inside of my mouth with his penis. As soon as I opened my mouth, I began destroying his finest work of art in violation of every art convention known to man. Also, when I was at this stage, my husband tried to care for me by massaging my pussy with his fingers. That must have been very difficult for him, I thought. But that’s okay. He performed an excellent job, and I got a little tingle of pleasure from it.

When Johnny messed with my pussy instead of my spouse, I didn’t even notice. It wasn’t until much later that I came up with the idea. My spouse yanked his penis out of my mouth with his teeth. Apparently he was ready to climax, but he wanted to wait a bit longer before having sex. My pussy therapy was also put on hold at this point. Wasn’t it great? My mouth is watering from the deliciousness! When I felt his glans reappear on my lips a little time later, I instantly started sucking the cock again. I momentarily pondered the possibility that he had regained his sanity. Wet from my previous sucking! This time around, though, it tasted a little different. After that, he started spoiling my pussy again, and I had no time to think. I immediately felt a sense of calmness return, and I let myself fall further and deeper into the water. Johnny’s penis has been in my mouth for a long time and I haven’t even realized it. My hubby touched my genital area!

He abruptly stopped pointing his finger at me. My mouth was likewise empty of the tail I was holding there. My labia felt like it had been invaded by a warm, plump acorn not long after that. She began by gliding back and forth, but as she progressed, she began to enter. Slowly, the tail sank further into my flesh. Due to the long-lasting pretreatment, my pussy was already drenched, making entrance a breeze. It seemed as though nothing had changed. It’s all there: the jerky motions, that hardening of the ovaries, and even the form of the penis. It suddenly appeared to be different. While he was fucking me, my husband was watching him from the sidelines.

Fuck shocks were becoming increasingly painful. In spite of this, I’ve always been sexually aroused. It struck me like a bolt from the blue. The sensation of an orgasm ready to begin was back in full force. My stomach began to twitch. An orgasm like I’d never experienced before erupted from my vagina as soon as I grabbed the tail with all my force. It was enormous! Suddenly, my pussy was infested with cockroaches when I started to shake. The warm sperm raced up my thighs and into my buttocks as soon as the tail retracted.

My restraints were then removed from my wrists. That’s when Johnny stated I shouldn’t remove my blindfold just yet. He’d be the one to put me to bed. This was a lie my spouse told me. I was shocked at how soon he arrived. That he got an erection while resting on his back astonished me even more. After this shot, I still assumed that he was a lot more potent than he actually was. However, I now believe that this has a favorable impact on his potency. As a result, I carefully ascended to my husband’s steep cock and seated down. Since the previous fuck left me with a wide open pussy, the tail slipped right in. My sperm was being pressed out of my body and was now covering my husband’s stomach. I had no idea why he was so rigid. Was he able to get his hands on Viagra? The penis’s form remained unchanged. Is it possible that I’m hallucinating? It doesn’t matter; this has always been and will always be our preferred position. In this posture, I’ve frequently had numerous orgasms. I’ll see whether it works today.

Yes, after a time, I could feel it in my gut – Next orgasm is on the horizon, I can feel it. I erupted in need, gasped for oxygen, and screamed out my want. My lips are suddenly tingling with the sensation of an acorn. That’s… impossible. Oh, my God…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That’s the only way it can happen. But the orgasm burst out before I could have a clear thought. While my husband was having an intimate moment with me, Johnny was putting his cock in my mouth. I wasn’t aware of it at the time. The first reluctance quickly morphed into an inexplicable longing that was impossible to describe. I drank as much as I could from the cock. My cunt juice was still in my mouth. I was also able to see the rest of the sperm that I had seen previously.


After that, it was all I could think about. Johnny, not my hubby, came into my life sooner!

My eyesight was restored once Johnny removed my blindfold. As a result, I had a better understanding of the events taking on around me. I must have done a good job sucking Johnny’s crotch because he soon released another swarm of sperm. This time, I’m putting everything in my mouth. My tongue was dripping with Johnny’s sperm as it fell upon my husband’s tummy. During the exact moment when I was beginning to suspect that he didn’t care, he had a massive orgasm and poured his lubricant into my pussycat.

On the way to the restroom, I made quite the impression because my sperm was dripping out of my mouth and pussy. I was in desperate need of a shower!

We had a great time and will remember it fondly for a long time!

In the next story, I will share with you another story named “The Regular Morning pleasure”

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Take care of yourself. And keep your love like this.

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The End.


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